3 persons yoga poses
This is called 3 persons yoga. or acro yoga poses
Image sorces-google। Image by https://yogapose3.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-top-secret-details-regarding-yoga.html?m=1 |
Acro yoga is very hard and you can do carefull your parents is a best in yoga.
Acro Yoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics that also traces the circus art, stimulant-leading and dance ro crotto tradition.Acro yoga is more vigorous then many traditional froms of yoga as an exercise and can cause more injuries.
This is basic- 1 patanar this is the person who has the most point of contact with the ground. The whole person is lying on the ground with a lot of contact. This enables both arms and legs to be "bone-stacked" for maximum stability and support of the flyer. The main point of contact with the flyer are the legs and the hands.
This is Flyer - This is a person who is lifted from the base to the ground. The flyer can move in a series of dynamic positions and usually allows gravity to work for them. The flyer needs balance, confidence and original strength.
This is Spotter - This is the person who has an objective attitude towards the partner and whose whole focus is on making sure the flyer lands safely in case of any slips. The spotter can also make recommendations to the base and the flyer to improve their form.
steps - The first member does the first chakrasana on the ground, the second member does chakrasana with his hands on the waist of the first member and the third member does chakrasana with his hands on the waist of the other. This work is harmless and do this yoga with the help of your yoga teacher or yoga instructor.
Basically this poses is most performed in circus, gymnastics,yoga,dancing and etc.
Benefits of this yoga
Increased body flexibility.
Increased muscle strength.
Improved respiration, energy and consciousness.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
belly fat loss .
Cardiovascular health
Improved let-down performance.
Injury protection.
relaxing mind.
Good for blood circulation.
effective for belly fat loss & weight.
effective to improve the digestive system as well as appetite.
Improve back flexibility.
Cure constipation.
Increase body strength.
Stimulate the reproductive organs.
Improve pancreatic function.
Acro Yoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics that also traces the circus art, stimulant-leading and dance ro crotto tradition.Acro yoga is more vigorous then many traditional froms of yoga as an exercise and can cause more injuries.
This is basic- 1 patanar this is the person who has the most point of contact with the ground. The whole person is lying on the ground with a lot of contact. This enables both arms and legs to be "bone-stacked" for maximum stability and support of the flyer. The main point of contact with the flyer are the legs and the hands.
This is Flyer - This is a person who is lifted from the base to the ground. The flyer can move in a series of dynamic positions and usually allows gravity to work for them. The flyer needs balance, confidence and original strength.
This is Spotter - This is the person who has an objective attitude towards the partner and whose whole focus is on making sure the flyer lands safely in case of any slips. The spotter can also make recommendations to the base and the flyer to improve their form.
steps - The first member does the first chakrasana on the ground, the second member does chakrasana with his hands on the waist of the first member and the third member does chakrasana with his hands on the waist of the other. This work is harmless and do this yoga with the help of your yoga teacher or yoga instructor.
Basically this poses is most performed in circus, gymnastics,yoga,dancing and etc.
Benefits of this yoga
Increased body flexibility.
Increased muscle strength.
Improved respiration, energy and consciousness.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
belly fat loss .
Cardiovascular health
Improved let-down performance.
Injury protection.
relaxing mind.
Good for blood circulation.
effective for belly fat loss & weight.
effective to improve the digestive system as well as appetite.
Improve back flexibility.
Cure constipation.
Increase body strength.
Stimulate the reproductive organs.
Improve pancreatic function.