Lotus position or Padmasana

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Lotus position or Padmasana

Lotus position or Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose from ancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. It is an ancient asana in yoga, predating hatha yoga, and is widely used for meditation in Hindu, Tantra, Jain, and Buddhist traditions.

10 Health Benefits of Lotus Pose – Padmasana:
  • Opens up the hips.
  • Stretches the ankles and knees.
  • Calms the brain.
  • Increases awareness and attentiveness.
  • Keeps the spine straight.
  • Helps develop good posture.
  • Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
  • Helps keeps joints and ligaments flexible

History of name of Padamasan

The Sanskrit name Padmasana is derived from two words, the first Padma, meaningLotus and the second Asana, meaningPosture. It is generally practiced for meditation to maintain strong concentration and focus. Practicing this asana have several others benefits, along with soothing effects on the neurological system.

Padamasan steps 

To come into padmasanasit cross-legged. With your hands, pick up the right leg as for a leg cradle and draw it toward the torso, bringing the heel down near the lower belly. Then place the foot on the root of the left thigh in the groin.

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