Yoga everyday

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everyday yoga  
Yoga is an old discipline in India.  It is both spiritual and material.  Yoga uses breathing techniques, excretion and meditation.  It helps improve health and happiness.

  Yoga is a Sanskrit word for unity.

  Patanjali was the founder of classical yoga.  He defined yoga as "stopping change of mind".  (Stopping to change minds).

  The person doing yoga will move from one asana to another asana (called asana).  For example, "Sun-Solution" has 12 such poses in a row and is said to help balance body and soul.  "Surya Namaskar" is popularly known as "Surya Namaskar".

History Yoga was started by Indian ascetics.  Mention of ascetic practices (taps) is an early commentary on the Vedas among the Brahmins.  Many of the seals found in the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan show figures on positions such as general yoga or meditation poses.  According to archaeologist Gregory Posel, the pose "shows a form of ritual discipline that represents the antecedents of yoga."  Scholars are of the opinion that there must have been some kind of connection between the Indus Valley Seal and then the yoga and meditation tools, however there is no evidence.

Jonathan Mark Kenoyer describes one figure as "seated in yogic position".

Karel Werner writes that " Archeological discoveries allow us therefore to speculate with some justification that a wide range of Yoga activities was already known to the people of pre-Aryan India".

Yoga benefits research

Good  for blood circulation.

effective for belly fat loss & weight.

effective to improve the digestive system as well as appetite.

Improve back flexibility.

Cure constipation.

 Increase body strength.

Stimulate the reproductive organs.

Improve pancreatic function.

Strengthens the spine.

Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.

Firms the buttocks.

Stimulates abdominal organs.

Helps relieve stress and fatigue.

Opens the heart and lungs.

Soothes sciatica.

Therapeutic for asthma.

  • My second Bloges please read 
  • Types of yoga & details of  yoga. 

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